But what made a surprise for Ibn Gati and his followers the following day, Thursday 15th of Rajab 1435 H [15th of May 2014], was the taking of the initiative by His Highness the Religious Authority Al-Sarkhi Al-Hasani himself, with the audience present during His Highness’ 17th lecture of creed and history within ‘Series of Objective Analysis in Islamic Creed and History’, when His Highness said – after displaying the Statement of invocation of ruin, its style, and how consequences are to be adopted according to it, especially by whom claims Infallibility – invoked support from Allah and said:
“Let us raise up now, full of confidence, to curse Ibn Gati. I will stand up now and curse Ibn Gati. I ask support from You, Allah..” After that the Authority initiated the invocation for ruin and read Allah’s say, “Then whoever argues with you about it after [this] knowledge has come to you – say, “Come, let us call our sons and your sons, our women and your women, ourselves and yourselves, then supplicate earnestly [together] and invoke the curse of Allah upon the liars [among us].”
In the name of Allah , the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful. Oh Allah, be the witness, Oh Allah, be the witness, Oh Allah, be the witness, that I replied and revoked, by scholastic evidence, conclusive proof, and cogent and clear and evident argument, all the claims of the claimer Ibn Gati, as the claims of ‘son of Imam’, ‘trustee of Imam’, ‘messenger of Imam’, ‘deputy of Imam’, ‘minister of Imam’, ‘Al-Yemani’, ‘the first of pioneers for Mahdi’, ‘connoisseur of Hermeneutics, precise and uncertain Verses’, or other claims connected to the Imam (Salutation of Peace be upon Him).
Oh Allah, be the witness, Oh Allah, be the witness, Oh Allah, be the witness, that I wrote, declared, and clearly and plainly informed that I, and for long years and repeated times, have discussed, argued, invoked for ruin and curse Ibn Gati, and I have conclusively and certainly proved the invalidity of all of his claims. I have proved that he is going astray and he is misleading, swindler, sorcerer, specious, immoral, cunning, agent, Nasibi, reverter [from religion], dibeliever, swindler, swindler, swindler.