((Draw attention)) A debate and imprecation between Al-Yamani Ibn Al-Hasan and Sayyid Al- Sarkhi Al-Hasani


URGENT……. URGENT …. URGENT ((Draw attention)) A debate and imprecation between Al-Yamani Ibn Al-Hasan and Sayyid Al- Sarkhi Al-Hasani

An agreement between Al- Yamani Ahmed al-Hassan and Sayyed Al-Hasani has been gotten to hold a debate and imprecation )

near Barrani Sayyed Al- Sarkhi Al-Hasani at four in the afternoon on Thursday (22 Ragab 1435) . This will be in accordance with the conditions stipulated by Yamani, as follows:

1. Sayyid Al-Hassani bears the responsibility in front of Allah, the community and the law, the safety of Al-Yamani Bin Al-Hassan and his supporters from time of their arrival to Barrani and during the debate and imprecation until they leave the place and going to a safe place.

2. Do not use a nickname (Bin Gati), not during the announcement of the debate and imprecation nor in its time and it has been gotten an agreement on the use of (Al- Yamani bin Al-Hasan).

3. The debate will not be about the science of Osool and jurisprudence and it has been gotten an agreement to be in proving the infallibility and Imama (Al-Yamani Ahmed al-Hassan)

4. If the debate produced conviction the


legitimacy of one of the parties claim to the other, for the first party would announce that candidly in the same session and the same place and pledge to support and to be the supporter of the other party.

5. if the debate didn’t produce the conviction one of the parties or that one of the parties refused to debate, it would become a matter of imprecation and they will imprecate and curse each other at the same time and place means at four in the afternoon of Thursday / 22 Rajab 1435.

6. If one of the parties did not attend the debate , he shall be withdrawn and a loser and must give up what he claims, and obeys the other and recognize the complete legitimacy of the other and he must triumph and support him.

7. In case of consequent immediate impact on imprecation and, according to the say of infallible Imam (peace be upon him) (… you will soon, see that on him ..) and the account from heaven or a painful punishment was sent down upon Sayyid Al-Hasani, the claim of Al-Yamani Ibn Al-Hassan will be proved and correct and If Sayyid Al-Hasani remained alive he would ratify and support the claim of Al- Yamani . And IF THERE IS NO consequent immediate impact on imprecation through the sending down the account from heaven or a painful punishment, it will prove the incompletion and lack of correctness of Al-Yamani’s claim. And he must immediately repent and ask for forgiveness from Allah.

8. The announcement of the debate and imprecation and its conditions should be published on the home page of the Media Center of Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Al-Hasani with a clear writing and in a prominent place. In order not to say later that the site of the Media Center has been ****** and the announcement has been published by the hacker, and Allah is the witness, The Ever- Hearing, The Ever- Beholding, The Ever- Knowing , The Ever-Wise ,The Ever-Powerful , The Ever- Mighty.. In The Name of Allah , The All-Merciful The Ever-Merciful ” So, whoever argues with you concerning him, even after the knowledge has come to you, then say: ‘Come !, We should call our sons and your sons, our womenfolk and your womenfolk, ourselves and yourselves; thereafter we should imprecate , and so lay the curse of Allah upon the liars. ‘